This is a short post, mainly because we're currently making pizza and preparing to go see Up at Shaker Square....
But Jeff and I rode in the Sunday in June tour in Burton, Ohio yesterday. Jeff rode the 62 mile route, and I took the 50. Do you know what my bib number was?
Also, as soon as my name goes up - check out the "Dish, Make Me Over!" post at Tricia's Dish. If people vote for me, I could get a makeover and I think we can all agree that I need one REALLY BADLY. (Amirite?)
I will post our second review of Light Bistro tomorrow!
Edit: Holy crap, I'm a feature here! Go go go!!!
2 weeks ago
I want to hear about Light Bistro!!!!
We only went there once (for Jose's b-day a couple years ago when it first opened) and it was lovely but need some motivation to go back :)
Let me know*
Um, apparently I didn't read your last post where you describe your courses beautifully :) Okay, I'm sold!
Ha, forgiven. To be fair, we ate completely different things this time and I'll write about those tonight :)
(Hopefully we'll have pics too!)
Yay! Do tell :)
Also, I don't much about the film, "Up" ?? Share thoughts on that as well pleeease! We haven't seen a good movie in what seems like forever*
Hi Cara,
Wow, your blog will soon be titled A Girl About Brazil!
Good luck on winning the makeover! :)
- Cassaendra
Oh please go see "Up" but prepare to cry! Movies make for fun dates, we enjoy going to one from time to time.
I will post sometime tomorrow about our second Light visit and more about Up - But tomorrow is Jeff's birthday!
SB & C: Ha! I don't know how many more Capirinhas I could honestly stand. Thanks! Should be interesting if I win!
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